Thursday 24 March 2011

Get Ripped Abs - 3 Simple Things Guaranteed to Work

So many people out there wanting to get ripped abs have the completely wrong mindset when it actually comes to getting ripped abs. I'm willing to bet that whatever you think you know about how to get ripped abs, hot abs, six pack abs, or whatever kind of abs is wrong.

Many people think the all mighty sit-up is the king of all ways when trying to get ripped abs. Wrong! If you are one of those people who feel that crunches, sit-ups, and cardio are the best way to get abs than you need to read this article to learn the truth. I'm about to save you a ton of time in the gym by getting you to understand how to truly get lean and ripped.

Why sit-ups and crunches suck.

Why do they suck? Because neither exercise focuses 100% on the abs throughout the movement, especially sit-ups. Most of the exercise hits the psoas muscles. By doing these exercises you could actually make yourself look fatter. The only thing to expect to learn from doing these exercises is how to get a sore neck, not how to get ripped abs.

If you just can't kick the habit of doing crunches, than try this; only go about 1/3 of the way up and keep your eyes looking up at the ceiling. Just so you know, doing crunches is not the ideal exercise to get ripped abs.

In order to get ripped abs you need to squat and deadlift.

These have to be the two best exercises in developing your abs and they don't even work the abs directly; they work them indirectly. What do I mean? The abs help flex and stabilize your body during these two movements. Since you are using weighted resistance, these exercises are far superior to the crunch!

Getting ripped abs is easy when you perform these two exercises and than you can focus on the most important weapon in learning how to get ripped abs; Your Diet!

If your diet completely sucks than you are wasting your time in the gym. Don't even go, stay home and continue to look at your flabby stomach and wonder why all those hours put in the gym haven't given you any results.

I'm sorry if I'm coming off kind of harsh, but you need to realize that diet is king! Your diet is the single most important factor in how you get ripped abs. Once you nail down your diet than you can start focusing on your six pack.

By following these 3 simple rules you will be way ahead of 90% of the people out there. So, focus on heavy lifting and you won't need much cardio at all, if any. Besides, your traditional cardio isn't the best way in burning up your belly fat to get ripped abs.

These simple rules are just that; simple. But you might not think so right off the bat because you don't know what you can and can't eat, or what you should or should not do at the gym. Sometimes its just trial and error or you can follow someone who has already laid the foundation for you.

So, if you want to shortcut your path to success in learning how to get ripped abs [] then you need a program designed to show you how to simply & safely lose 1% body fat each and every week as well as a step by step guide on what exercises you need to perform and when.

You can get started Today by grabbing your FREE reports at get ripped abs []

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