Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Achieve Powerful Results from Your Abdominal Exercise Program

What does your abdominal exercise program consist of? If your answer is only crunches, or crunches and sit-ups, then this is the article for you. People are continually writing in forums, asking gurus, and chatting with fitness enthusiasts and professionals on MySpace, solely because of a lack of results in their abdominal exercise programs! Nothing is more frustrating than feeling the burn of working out your abs, and then not seeing the six-pack on yourself that you continually see on celebrities or other people at the gym.

You cannot get there by going halfway. Just as it is to achieve any goal that is worthwhile in this world, you must work hard at training your abs. By doing only one or two abdominal exercises, you are literally cheating yourself of the results that you want. You must devote yourself to getting what you want, and put in all of the work necessary to do so.

Variety is the key to getting clean and cut abs! Your abdominal exercise routine must consist of several exercises, a handful to be exact. This will allow you to work out your abdominal muscles with a well balanced abdominal exercise routine which focuses on the many sides of your abdominal muscles. Yes, I said many sides!

Your abdominal muscles are complex in their shape. Your abdominal muscles are round, which means that they can flex parallel to your body, allowing you to bend forwards and backwards, as well as perpendicular to your body, allowing you to bend sideways. If this isn't enough, they can also bend at many angles in between parallel and perpendicular to your body length! All in all, this means that to get the perfect shape and proportion to your abdomen, you must utilize many abdominal exercises.

I usually do abdominal exercises everyday. However, I do not do the same abdominal exercises each day. With four days of exercise routines, I perform abdominal exercises three out of four days. I perform three abdominal exercises for each of the three days, and give my abs a day of rest on the fourth day. My abdominal exercise routine may seem harsh at first, but I guarantee results from it.

My abdominal exercise routine is revealed! Now, I'm not saying that it is perfect, or that it is for everyone. However, after doing this abdominal exercise routine for years, I still have my six-pack and a strong midsection to show for it.

Day One: Consists of resistance crunches (using weighted crunch machine), incline sit-ups (last two repetitions with weights), and resistance oblique crunches (using weighted oblique machine).

Day Two: Consists of floating crunches (lying on floor with your arms crossing your chest and hands resting on shoulders, bringing knees and elbow together, allowing them to float there until pain is unbearable), roman chair crunches, and flutter kicks.

Day Three: Consists of lying leg raises (front), cross-over sit-ups (bringing left elbow to right knee and right elbow to left knee), and corkscrew (Lie on your back, with your legs raised directly over your hips, with your hands at your side palm down. Lift your hips off of the floor and elevate your feet towards the ceiling. Next, twist your hips to the right. Hold this position, and then return to the starting position. Repeat, while twisting to the left.)

Work up to my routine or surpass it with a more advanced one! In the beginning doing the above abdominal exercise routine may be too difficult for you to do, on top of your regular workout routine. So, choose one abdominal exercise for you to do each day which works a different part of your abdominal muscles. If you take turns with these abdominal exercises, conducting one of them each day that you exercise, you will definitely see a significant improvement in your abdomen. Ensure that you give your abs one out of every four days off to allow your abdominal muscles to recuperate. Before long, you will be teaching your friends everything that you know. They will be asking you what abdominal exercises gave you your amazing six-pack!

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Friday, 23 September 2011

Best Abdominal Exercises - How Do Ab Exercises Really Work?

For any person that is overweight with a pile of fat on their belly and is looking to shed serious weight, trying to find what the best abdominal exercises is can be a daunting experience. I know for a fact when I was overweight and carried an excess burden of weight around my belly, trying to find what the best abdominal exercises to do was a nightmare. Ab crunches, running, sit ups, ab machines, a plethora of information on the web on what the best abdominal exercises are. Go on, type the words "best abdominal exercises" into Google and see what you get. If you look underneath the search term "best abdominal exercises" you will find 639.000 thousand results for that keyword.

Who do you believe and where do you start?

This happens to be the most confusing part on where do you start and what are the best abdominal exercises. Bad or excess abdominal weight can actually be detrimental to your health. You don't have to be overweight all over to actually be unhealthy. Before we go any further, lets examine some of the downsides to excessive weight gain or excessive belly fat.

High Blood Pressure. Not that many people think of this when they are eating the next lot of take out but when you are overweight with excessive body fat, this leads to high blood pressure. With high levels of body fat also comes excessive levels of sodium. How is this dangerous to your health. Simple! Excessive levels of sodium causes high blood pressure, which in turn makes your heart work harder.
Cholesterol. Excessive weight gain also leads to dangerously high levels of cholesterol. The average level of a normal weight in a person usually reads between 3.5 to 5.0 points for levels of cholesterol. Any higher than this and you are in danger of an oncoming heart attack. Most doctors will tell you to lose weight or completely cut out fatty foods altogether with special diets for reducing cholesterol. Sometimes even medication. Cholesterol is a fatty substance which builds up in your main arteries which stem from your heart. If these block up, your heart stops. This is a gradual occurrence. As your arteries slowly block up, your heart starts to work harder, eventually leading to a heart attack.
Diabetes Another silent killer.When you have excess weight or belly fat, your body slowly becomes resistant to insulin. This slows down or reduces your energy. This is why overweight people find it difficult to go through their everyday lives.
Stroke. A stroke occurs when an artery carrying blood to the brain is blocked.The human brain constantly needs the supply of oxygen, and if blood ceses to flow, the brain area of that artery starts to die. A result of excess fats in the artery system
Osteoarthritis A major killer in body joint wear. Excess weight will always couse excessive wear on your joints. Especially your back nees and hips.
Cancer. It has now been proven that overweight people are more suceptable to getting cancer, purely because of lack of exercise.
Sleep Apnea Sleep apnea is also brought on by excessive weight. The higher the weigh, the worse the disease.
Overall Physical Discomfort Most people who are overweight with loads of belly fat tend to feel uncomfortable. This is generally caused by excessive fat around the human organs which constricts the organs. Often, overweight people tend to have breathing difficulties, which also severely limits the exercise potential of losing weight.
Lower Back Pain. Due to excessive weight on the front of your belly, your back starts to suffer from a severe unbalance from weight to the front as to the back. your back muscles actually work together with your abdominal muscles for the purposes of keeping your torso nice and straight. The best abdominal exercises combined together with weight loss help achieve this and many other benefits.Now Some Of The Benefits To Weight Loss

Much increased levels of energy
Much lower cholesterol levels
Much reduced blood pressure
Reduced joint pain from less weight
more agile mobility. Well feeling of lightness. Ability to move at much quicker rates
Improved levels of breathing. Higher levels of oxygen, leading to higher energy levels and well beeing
Sleep better at night. Less back pain in the morning
Much lower levels of angina attacks, with much higher levels of oxygen to the heart
Much decreased risks of heart attack or stroke.
High prevention rate of diabetes
Better improved levels of blood sugar.
Much decreased risks of cancerThere you have it, these are just some reasons as to why it does not pay to be overweight.

Now to get back to the main dilemma of the best abdominal exercises and how to get started. As stated earlier, there is magnitude of information on the web on how to lose weight fast, how to get abs, how to get a six pack, how to get great abs. These are people that are legitimately trying to find information on the best abdominal exercises. However, where do you start.

Lets Go Back To Basics Shall We!

Commitment. Are you really committed to losing weight and gaining the high benefits of being a light weight human being? If not, not even the best abdominal exercises in the world are going to work for you. Commitment before anything is a must have for any abdominal exercises to work.

Many people start A weight loss program only to fail dismally because they don't keep going before the magic happens. Why? because it is extremely difficult when your overweight, because of the lack of energy, the pain on your joints, you breathing labor. All these to many people are deterrents to further exercising. If you can get past the first couple of weeks with your new habits and commitments, you will definitely see improvements in fast weight loss and getting closer to great abs becomes a reality.

Once this is noticed, there is an instant uplift to continue. The more weight loss you see, the harder you workout, shedding even more weight. Don't give up when you get started. I guarantee you with the right diet and the best abdominal exercises, you will see results, and get those great abs, as well as getting ripped all over.

Keep it up, don't stop with your new healthy lifestyle. Everything is hard in the begging, but the strain on your body will subside. Once you see noticeable results of well being, you will not want to stop.

Diet In order to lose weight and lose weight fast, one must have a drastic change in diet. The best abdominal exercises in the world will not work if you do not change your diet

What does this mean. No more fast food. Take out hot food contains lots of trans fats which are absolutely lethal to the human body and also contain lots of artery chocking cholesterol and fat which instantly just adds up on your body. Fat intake has to stop for the purpose of achieving great abs and losing weight fast. The signs of shredding weight quickly are instant. Better physical appearance, feeling on top of the world, energy to do things and be active.

Exercise Exercise is a crucial element in rapid weight loss and in a general overall feeling of well being. The effect exercise has with a given diet greatly aids in weight loss and achieving great abs or an awesome six pack.

Now The Hammer Falls. What you need to know is that you don't need the entire web to find what the best abdominal exercises are. You only need to apply common sense. Anyone who tells you that "A" is the best abdominal exercise or "B" is the best abdominal exercise is really just trying to sell you a gimmick and very much trying take you for a ride.

To put it simply, we have just disclosed to you that the best abdominal exercises are only effective if you are ready for change.

Three Key Elements Required For Even The Best Abdominal Exercises To Work

Diet. This has to change for the purposes of abdominal exercises and general weight loss to be effective.Whether you like it or not.

Exercises This is also a must, as it greatly aids in fat burning and greatly improves health

Now the biggest secret for the best abdominal exercises. Commitment. If this is missing from any of the three key elements, you are doomed to fail. There is a multitude of abdominal exercises that are extremely effective with getting a six pack when combined together with diet, exercise, and commitment.



Commitment. Put these three key elements together, and a multitude of the best abdominal exercises in the world will work for you. All abdominal exercises work, but you must have these three key elements.

If you need more information on getting a great six pack, visit Mike Geary abs If your after professional results, you will find this information from this world recognized certified trainer absolutely invaluable.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Abdominal Fat - Losing That Belly For Good

Middle age spread, and abdominal fat is a great threat to our health. The single most important fact that you should know about losing abdominal fat is that there is no magical formula that can make your abdominal fat vanish in a jiffy. Excess abdominal fat is a risk factor for diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. Not only is a firm, flat stomach the ultimate symbol of sex appeal, researchers have found that losing abdominal fat is one of the hardest and most important steps you can take to stay healthy for life.

Abdominal fat is described as having three compartments: visceral, retroperitoneal, and subcutaneous. Abdominal, or visceral, fat is of particular concern because it's a key player in a variety of health problems -- much more so than subcutaneous fat, the kind you can grasp with your hand. Abdominal fat is also associated with a disruption of blood sugar control that can result in type 2 diabetes mellitus.

The first thing that most people think of is that their extra abdominal fat is simply ugly, is covering up their abs from being visible, and makes them self conscious about showing off their body. But they need to understand that both subcutaneous fat and visceral fat in the abdominal area are very serious health risk factors.

Science has shown that having excessive visceral fat is even more dangerous than subcutaneous fat. If you care about the quality of your life and your loved ones, reducing your abdominal fat should be one of your TOP priorities. Besides, a side effect of finally getting rid of all of that excessive ugly abdominal fat is that your stomach will flatten out, and if you lose enough stomach fat, you will be able to visibly see those sexy six pack abs that everyone wants.

Abdominal fat is nothing to take lightly. Abdominal fat is often the last fat you'll lose. Fat doesn't just get stored any where in our bodies - the pattern of fat storage is genetically wired into our systems.

Generally speaking, abdominal fat is either visceral (surrounding the abdominal organs) or subcutaneous (lying between the skin and the abdominal wall). But a simple tape measure may be all you need to determine if your intra-abdominal fat is posing a risk to your health.

Remember, straining to losing just the abdominal fat is not the right approach. The best way to lose abdominal fat is through a healthy combination of diet AND exercise. Beware of plans, programs and pills that promise almost instant, easy results. The only thing easy about abdominal fat, is putting it on in the first place.

To recap, the formula for losing abdominal fat is as follows: Losing fat takes time, so get started now.

The author hosts The Better Home Living Guide website, with informational topics to improve your life and family living.

For complete information on the correct way to get started regaining your health and your self image, visit Truth About Abs

Thursday, 15 September 2011

3 Simple Tips on Abdominal Exercises

There is no doubt that finding tips on abdominal exercises is not hard to find with all the information available today! The major question for most people is what are the right abdominal exercises and what is a good plan for achieving good results?

In this article I would like to help answer those questions by giving you tips on abdominal exercises and help you be able to get the results you are looking for.

Tips on abdominal exercises # 1- Put more focus on your diet

One of the first things you must focus on when trying to achieve results with an abdominal exercise plan is to focus on your diet. You must realize that while it is important to exercise your abdominal muscles by crunches or sit-ups if you have a layer of fat covering your abdominal muscles you will never be able to get that 6 pack look.

Take for instance the guy with a big gut. If he does 500 crunches or sit- ups per day but has a layer of beer belly covering his muscles all he will have achieved is a big hard beer belly!

So the first thing you should concentrate on and one of the best tips on abdominal exercises I can give you is lose that belly fat first!

Tips on abdominal exercises # 2- Do a variety of different abdominal exercises

Second step to achieving a great looking abdominal section is to shake up your exercises regularly.

Find a couple of really good abdominal exercises that you like doing for instance crunches or sit-ups and alternate them on a regular basis.

The main reason for this is your abdominal muscles can adapt to change very quickly. As soon as they start adapting to one particular exercise you will stop seeing results. So again the second thing you should focus on to achieve great looking abdominals is to shake up your exercise routine.

By keeping them guessing as to what's coming next, you keep the results coming as well. Don't make the mistake of doing the same abdominal exercises day in and day out.

Tips on abdominal Exercises # 3- Implement A Good Cardio Workout

Lastly, for getting that nice looking chiseled abdominal muscles you must be performing some type of cardio exercise. Now I'm not saying that you have to start doing hours on the treadmill.

All I'm saying is that you need to add a few quality sessions of cardio work a week. For instance, 30 minutes of walking 4 times a week will really help your body become more efficient and allow you to lose that belly fat much quicker so you can actually start seeing results from your abdominal exercises.

In conclusion:

If you stick to these 3 simple tips on abdominal exercises you will start seeing real results. This may take sometime to achieve so be patient. Think about this. How long did it take you to get to where your at now? Year, Two Years? Give your abdominal exercise routine sometime to work and I'm positive you will be able to achieve the results your looking for before you know it! Best of luck!

Do You want a firm and flat midsection? If you click the link below I will share with you 6 "Little Known" Reasons Why You Can't Get Rid Of Your Stubborn Belly Bulge! Plus 10 free video lessons that will teach you exactly what to eat and how to train to reduce your waist line, get rid of your pot belly and finally gain the respect and confidence you deserve!

Monday, 12 September 2011

Abdominal Muscle Exercises - Learn How To Get Rid of Abdominal Fat Today

Abdominal muscles exercises are the most sought exercises inside and outside the gym because everybody is in dire need to get the flattest abdominals that reflects a flat stomach. It is true that our society today is becoming beauty and health conscious. As a result, there has been an increase focus on exercises and fitness programs which pave the way of the demands and fascination from the exercises in abdominal muscles.

Our abdominal muscles are mainly located between the ribs and hip bone and in front of the body. They works to support the upper body, allow movement and contraction and to hold vital organs on a proper place by regulating pressure from the abdomen. Our abdominal muscles have different vital works under the body and cannot be seen by the naked eye. When you are extremely obese, fats can accumulate in the abdomen, and fats can cover the muscles which then can give you an abdominal fat. In this case, even if you have the best and great muscles in the abdomen, it is useless when covered with fats.

Abdominal exercises or ab workouts are focusing on the abdominal muscles, doing it properly can help you tone and strengthen the abdominal muscles, but when incorrectly done, it may result to unnecessary strain on the back and other muscles of the body.

Spot Reduction? Oh No!

There is no such things as spot reduction for fats, so never believe any equipment that promise to decrease fat around the tummy. Abdominal exercises cannot reduce fat, it will train your abdominal muscles while leaving layers of fat in the abdomen unchanged. Even if you do thousands of crunches and sit-ups, fat will not reduce especially when you have extreme fat accumulation around the tummy, and take note, muscles are lying under the fats, so muscles are evidently seen when fats are gone, and spot reduction is the ways. Diet and combination of exercises are always the best choice.

The Flat-Stomach Myth:

Being obsessed with a flat abdominal area can lead you to frustration, anxiety and even some eating disorders which are not at all healthy. The truth about flat stomach is that it cannot be possible to achieve. In the first place, our abdominal muscles are not designed to be flat. It will always be rounded and not flat and your gender, age and genetics can greatly affect the size and shape of our abdominals.

Again, abdominal muscles exercises are not meant to flatten your tummy, it just strengthen the muscles and building ab muscles little by little. It also allows proper function of the abdominal muscles. Now, when you decide to add exercises for your abdominal muscles in your exercise program, you have to take precaution in choosing such exercises because they can be straining and dangerous to the body.

Tips Before The Exercise...

A proper warm-up before starting the abdominal muscles exercises for 15 minutes is important to prevent muscle strain.
Use an exercise mat when exercising to ensure back safety.
Do the exercises regularly for proper strength training and to build your ab muscles.
Always bring a towel while exercising to swipe off the sweat.
If you are a beginner and would want to do abdominal exercises using gym equipment, ask for an assistant by a gym instructor for proper usage.

The Bicycle maneuver or the TWISTING CRUNCH

Lie flat on the floor with your back pressed against the ground.
Place your hands behind the head and bring your knees as much as possible in a 45-degree angle and slowly do a bicycle pedal motion.
As you do the pedaling, twist the upper body and trunk by allowing left elbow to touch your right knee, then right elbow to left knee.
Perform the exercise in a slow and controlled manner as possible.

Captain's Chair

This is one of the most effective exercises for muscles but the most difficult as it stabilizes upper body. This exercise is contraindicated to lower back problems or for a beginner.

Sit upright on a chair while legs dangling from the chair.
Slowly, lift knees up going towards the chest and hold in that position for a few seconds.
Lowered the knees and get back to the starting position and repeat.

Crunch on Exercise Ball

In choosing an exercise ball for you, you must be able to sit on it and your knees bent and soles of feet resting on the floor.

Roll the ball slowly and lie on the ball with your back until your thighs and chest are parallel with each other.
Placed arms across the chest and chin down to the chest.
As you contract your abdominal muscles, raise your chest at least 45 degrees angle.
To make the exercise easier for you, spread you legs and feet wider apart for total support while lying on the ball.
Repeat many steps as you can.

Among other crunches, these two are known to be the most effective and the safest abdominal muscles exercises that can be done either at home or in the gym.

Vertical Crunch

Lie flat on the floor with your back pressed against the ground.
Place your hands behind your head for proper support.
Slowly raise your crossed legs at the ankles with a slight bend in the knee.
Now, as you contract your abdominal muscles, lift your upper body toward your knees and then lower down.
Do as many steps as possible.

Reverse Crunch

Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed against the floor.
Place hands beside your head or place then flat on your sides (whatever you feel the most comfortable).
Cross your feet at the ankles and then slowly lift your feet from the floor up to a 90-degree angle.
Once you are stable and comfortable in this position, press your lower back on the floor and contract your abdominal muscles as you move down the crossed legs few inches from the floor and then up and down again. Make sure feet are not touching on the floor during the exercise.

Next, learn the correct way to Get Rid Of Abdominal Fat and lose weight fast.

Find out which weight loss program is suitable for you through our Compare Weight Loss Programs page here. Click on the above link to discover which programs can help you lose weight today.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Is There a Best Abdominal Exercise?

One of the biggest problems we face when attempting to get fit is to tone up our stomach muscles.

Stomach muscles are stubborn and painful to exercise. They also tend to stay hidden from view even after doing hundreds or thousands of crunches.

Developing an impressive set of six-pack abs takes a combination of strategy, good nutrition, hard work, and patience. Don't expect to develop perfect abs by resorting to one best abdominal exercise but to a combination of exercises that work your stomach from different angles.

Failure in ab development comes in many forms, all easily fixed. Here are a few examples of why people fail in abdomen toning.

1. Expecting instant results.

Depending on your genetics/body type, getting ripped abs will be more difficult for some than for others. A thick bodied person will have a more difficult time producing perfect abs than a thin bodied person.

Please be patient. Your abs are there, it'll just take some time to get them to show.

2. Expecting abs to show before weight loss.

Ain't gonna happen! It's physically impossible to build up your abs big enough to appear if you have a beer belly covering them.

If you are grossly overweight you'll have to lose a lot of belly fat before you can expect to see your abdominal muscles.

3. Stop working out abs through sheer boredom.

Doing endless repetitions of the same exercise always ends in failure. Partly because we get bored and partly because our bodies adapt to certain exercises and stop producing results.

Our first two problems, expecting instant results and expecting to see our abs while still being overweight are really common sense issues. You just need a little patience and you need to lose weight.

But what about the third one, "Boredom"? How do you overcome that one? It's actually fairly easy. Here's how.

You have to mix up your abdominal exercises from week to week so that you're not just doing sit-ups.

You'll be happy to know that I've come up with a list of 44 abdominal exercises that you can choose from. Many of them don't require any extra equipment other than a floor mat to work out on.

Some of the ab exercises do require extra equipment but you may already have the equipment available.

Here's a checklist of equipment you need for some of the exercises.

- Barbell

- Dumbbell

- Chin-Up Bar

- Flat/Incline Bench

- Exercise Ball

- Medicine Ball

- Ankle Weights

Here are 44 different ab exercises that should slay the boredom dragon once and for all! The list is broken up into three categories, lower ab exercises, middle and upper ab exercises and oblique exercises.

Lower Abdominal Exercises:

- Abdominal Flutter Kicks

- Abdominal Flutter Kicks with ankle weights (This one's tough!)

- Bent Knee Abdominal Hip Raises

- Decline Abdominal Crunches

- Exercise Ball Abdominal Pull Ins

- Flat Bench Abdominal Leg Pull Ins

- Flat Bench Abdominal Leg Raises

- Hanging Knees To Chin Raises

- Hanging Abdominal Leg Raises

- Hanging Knees To Head Raises

- Inverted Exercise Ball Leg Pull Ins

- Lying Reverse Abdominal Crunches

- Medicine Ball Leg Raises

- Parallel Bar Abdominal Knee Raises

- Reverse Abdominal Crunches

- Reverse Decline Crunches

- Weighted Hand To Leg Ab Crunches

Middle And Upper Abdominal Exercises:

- Abdominal Butt Raises

- Abdominal Cable Crunches

- Abdominal Crunches

- Abdominal Crunch Machine

- Abdominal Sit Ups

- Abdominal Toe Touchers

- Abdominal Tuck Crunches

- Barbell Abdominal Rollouts

- Exercise Ball Abdominal Crunches

- Fingers To Toes Abdominal Crunches

- Legs On Exercise Ball Abdominal Crunches

- Medicine Ball Crunches on Exercise Ball

- Overhead Abdominal Crunches

- Raised Knee Barbell Crunches

- Straight Arm Abdominal Crunches

Oblique Exercises (more commonly called love handles):

- Barbell Oblique Side Bends

- Dumbbell Oblique Side Bends

- Elbow To Knee Oblique Crunches

- Fingers To Heel Oblique Touchers

- Flutter Kick Oblique Crunches

- Hanging Oblique Knee Raises

- Lying Oblique Leg Raises

- Lying Side Oblique Crunches

- Oblique Crunches

- Oblique Decline Crunches

- Oblique Plate Twists

- Oblique Twists

- Seated Oblique Barbell Twists


With a comprehensive list of best abdominal exercises like this to choose from your ab workout routine should never be dull or boring. By adding a few pieces of low cost exercise equipment to your home gym you'll be able to create the perfect set of killer abs!

About the Author:

Mark A Hanson specializes in fitness and weight loss. Subscribe to his body transforming "Inside Secrets To Killer Abs" eCourse at Learn how chubby guys and gals can get killer abs without boring cardio workouts, supplements or strict dieting.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

All About The Best Abdominal Exercises

It is only natural, most people want to look their best, and exercising their To discover over 27 more abdominal fat loss and metabolism-boosting secrets, muscles is usually a huge part of most fitness programs. If so much time and energy is going to be focused on this muscle group, it is a good idea to know what the best abdominal exercises are. There are many resources available for finding the best abdominal exercises, and plenty of people to say what they consider the best, so how can a person decide for themselves which truly are the best exercises for working their abdominal muscles?

First of all it is important to note that the best abdominal exercises are those that a person is willing to do. No matter how effective the exercise is, if a person isn't going to do them consistently the exercise will not benefit that particular individual. It is also important to note that the best abdominal exercises do not necessarily require equipment to perform them, although some machines and equipment may work quite well for some people.

When a person decides on a fitness program that includes abdominal exercises, it is best to include abdominal exercises that work the different parts of the abdominal If a person simply concentrates on one area of their abdominal, there workout will not be as effective. The best abdominal exercises, combine working the oblique, which are the side muscles, the lower abdominals, the mid section and also the upper section.

Some of the most popular abdominal exercises are crunches. These are a very effective exercise and very convenient since they can be performed anywhere without any equipment. The next abdominal exercise that is also very popular and goes along with the basic crunch is the side crunch, which works out the oblique.

Some people consider the best abdominal exercises to be included in a Pilate's workout. The reason for this is because in Pilates, the whole focus is on the core of the body which is the abdominal, or abdominal muscles. Every movement in a Pilate's workout will work the abdominal muscles either directly or indirectly. These exercises can be found on the internet, either the exercise itself or video's that can be purchased.

Another good exercise that some fitness experts considers to be one of the best abdominal exercises involves laying flat on your abdominal, leg straight and then raising your body up using your arms as your hands are clasped together and keeping your body straight as if doing a pushup. Hold this position as long as you can stand. This is an excellent movement to strengthen the whole abdominal.

Remember again though that just because one person may consider a specific exercise to be the best abdominal exercise that does not necessarily mean it is the best for everyone. Each person's body is different and will respond differently to certain movements. Any one serious about working on the abdominal muscles will find it most helpful to try several different abdominal exercises and then determine which one they can both feel and see results with. If one exercise is simply too hard to do correctly, or does not feel like it has done anything for the muscle group worked, that exercise is clearly not the best and the person should find what works best for them.

To discover over 27 more abdominal fat loss and metabolism-boosting secrets, go to Abdominal Exercise to download a FREE report revealing the strategies of the super-lean.