Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Achieve Powerful Results from Your Abdominal Exercise Program

What does your abdominal exercise program consist of? If your answer is only crunches, or crunches and sit-ups, then this is the article for you. People are continually writing in forums, asking gurus, and chatting with fitness enthusiasts and professionals on MySpace, solely because of a lack of results in their abdominal exercise programs! Nothing is more frustrating than feeling the burn of working out your abs, and then not seeing the six-pack on yourself that you continually see on celebrities or other people at the gym.

You cannot get there by going halfway. Just as it is to achieve any goal that is worthwhile in this world, you must work hard at training your abs. By doing only one or two abdominal exercises, you are literally cheating yourself of the results that you want. You must devote yourself to getting what you want, and put in all of the work necessary to do so.

Variety is the key to getting clean and cut abs! Your abdominal exercise routine must consist of several exercises, a handful to be exact. This will allow you to work out your abdominal muscles with a well balanced abdominal exercise routine which focuses on the many sides of your abdominal muscles. Yes, I said many sides!

Your abdominal muscles are complex in their shape. Your abdominal muscles are round, which means that they can flex parallel to your body, allowing you to bend forwards and backwards, as well as perpendicular to your body, allowing you to bend sideways. If this isn't enough, they can also bend at many angles in between parallel and perpendicular to your body length! All in all, this means that to get the perfect shape and proportion to your abdomen, you must utilize many abdominal exercises.

I usually do abdominal exercises everyday. However, I do not do the same abdominal exercises each day. With four days of exercise routines, I perform abdominal exercises three out of four days. I perform three abdominal exercises for each of the three days, and give my abs a day of rest on the fourth day. My abdominal exercise routine may seem harsh at first, but I guarantee results from it.

My abdominal exercise routine is revealed! Now, I'm not saying that it is perfect, or that it is for everyone. However, after doing this abdominal exercise routine for years, I still have my six-pack and a strong midsection to show for it.

Day One: Consists of resistance crunches (using weighted crunch machine), incline sit-ups (last two repetitions with weights), and resistance oblique crunches (using weighted oblique machine).

Day Two: Consists of floating crunches (lying on floor with your arms crossing your chest and hands resting on shoulders, bringing knees and elbow together, allowing them to float there until pain is unbearable), roman chair crunches, and flutter kicks.

Day Three: Consists of lying leg raises (front), cross-over sit-ups (bringing left elbow to right knee and right elbow to left knee), and corkscrew (Lie on your back, with your legs raised directly over your hips, with your hands at your side palm down. Lift your hips off of the floor and elevate your feet towards the ceiling. Next, twist your hips to the right. Hold this position, and then return to the starting position. Repeat, while twisting to the left.)

Work up to my routine or surpass it with a more advanced one! In the beginning doing the above abdominal exercise routine may be too difficult for you to do, on top of your regular workout routine. So, choose one abdominal exercise for you to do each day which works a different part of your abdominal muscles. If you take turns with these abdominal exercises, conducting one of them each day that you exercise, you will definitely see a significant improvement in your abdomen. Ensure that you give your abs one out of every four days off to allow your abdominal muscles to recuperate. Before long, you will be teaching your friends everything that you know. They will be asking you what abdominal exercises gave you your amazing six-pack!

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