Wednesday 3 August 2011

Washboard Abs With Abdominal Exercise Techniques

Abs are among the most focused muscles when it comes to personal fitness and exercise routines. What many don't know about developing abs is that they aren't built up through regular abdominal exercise techniques alone.

Proper abdominal exercise techniques are paired with a low carbohydrate, high protein diet, as abdominal exercise techniques don't "convert" fat into muscle. Abdominal exercise techniques are simply geared for ab strengthening, as well as back strengthening. If cutting down one's waistline is an exerciser's goal, abdominal exercise techniques alone wouldn't be enough.

Abdominal exercise techniques primarily target the rectus abdominis, the muscle stretching over the ribs down to the stomach. The internal and external obliques, the muscles with run from the stomach's sides to the waist, are also targeted. Aside from vanity reasons, the primary reason for strengthening ones abs would involve back strength, paving the way for better postures with exercisers.

When it comes to building up washboard abs, here are five helpful tips.

Focusing On Diet

A saying among personal fitness trainers goes: "Abs are made in the kitchen, and not inside a gym". Indeed, what one eats would reflect on how one's abs would look. As abdominal exercise techniques simply strengthen abdominal muscles, and not eliminate fat through and through, an exerciser's diet is pretty much important when it comes to building up washboard abs.

The Value of Rest Times

Over fatiguing one's abdominal muscles could prove disastrous, resulting to workout related injuries. Understanding one's body limits would greatly enhance a workout, as most abdominal exercise techniques would require exercisers to consider. Though they are geared to put abs to work, giving the muscles time to recover from the work fatigue they are put on would result to injury-less workouts, as well as desired workout results.

Flexing and Contracting

As with most exercise techniques, including abdominal exercise techniques, flexing and contracting muscles in between workout sets helps build muscle definition.

Cardio Warm Ups

Warming up before jumping into an abdominal exercise routine is rather recommended, as cardiovascular warm ups would result to better muscle contractions during the workout set. Cardiovascular warm ups are known to let exercisers "feel the burn" as they go thorough a work out routine.

The Value of an Empty Stomach During Training

By working out on an empty stomach, an exerciser is able to burn body fat more, instead of burning carbohydrates to fuel the workout exercise. This is where one's diet work hand in hand with abdominal exercise techniques, eventually resulting to abs of steel.

All in all, between a steady balanced diet, a regular abdominal workout regiment and the application of the tips mentioned, washboard abs are bound to develop in an exerciser.

Milos Pesic is a professional fitness trainer who runs a highly popular and comprehensive Abdominal Training web site. For more articles and resources on abdominal exercises, abdominal workout tips, abdominal fitness equipment and much more visit his site at:


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