Saturday 20 August 2011

Exercising Your Transverse Abdominals

Can you name one of the most widely overlooked muscle groups? No matter what group you target while doing exercises for love handles you will miss these. Any ideas? It is the transverse abdominals! The transverse abdominals can be found just under the rectus abdominus. As such they are one of the core muscle groups keeping you erect.

Both the upper and lower body gets a great deal of support through the transverse abdominals. One disturbing trend in abdominal workouts today is that many of them target only the rectus abdominus, the so called six-pack, or happen to cover the obliques as well. These tend to fall short however when it comes to targeting the transverse abdominals.

The most basic abdominal exercise is the Crunch, but even it is unable to work the transverse abdominals. Strengthening your transverse abdominals is a good idea. As the muscle group that is responsible for connecting the rectus abdominus with the lower back muscles it helps to form a girdle-like belt of support throughout the abdominal area.

Now that you are armed with that knowledge you are prepared to fight. You can now find a routine allowing you to integrate exercises designed to target your transverse abdominals. That is the key to getting washboard abs. Work the transverse abdominals with the exercises below and you will see how easy it is to get your tummy "as flat as a pancake."

The Crunchless Crunch is almost as challenging as its name. You will be trying to touch your bellybutton to your backbone. Confused? You will basically be using your transverse abdominals which are not normally used. Try this, lie on your back or kneel if it is more comfortable. Next relax as much as possible and use the muscles in your lower belly alone. Draw your bellybutton in as far as you can and hold it for ten to fifteen seconds. You will know when it is long enough because muscles other than the transverse abdominals take over.

The next exercise is the basic Pelvic Tilt. With your back on the floor place your feet flat with your knees bent. You will then raise just your pelvis from the floor. Hold it for a few moments and then lower it to the floor. Do as many repetitions as you can. You must keep your movements controlled to be able to get the most out of this exercise targeting your transverse abdominals. You must also keep your torso on the floor. If it lifts up the benefit to the transverse abdominals will be lost.

The last exercise mentioned here is Scissor Kicks. This is a intense exercise for your transverse abdominals when performed properly. Lie flat on the floor and place your hands under your tailbone with your thumbs crossing and palms down. While keeping your back on the floor you will begin by raising both legs a couple inches from the floor. Next raise one leg ten to twelve inches above this. Now slowly lower it back to the starting position. As it is lowering, start raising your other leg. Go through this exercise for transverse abdominals for a full set. It is highly important to maintain a steady pace without rushing. You will soon begin to feel the burn as your transverse abdominals begin to kick in.

These three exercises are not the only exercises for your transverse abdominals. It is exercises such as these for the transverse abdominals that will however help you get down the road to the washboard abs you want.

Want more great tips about working your abdominal muscles then visit

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