Saturday 26 March 2011

How to Get Abs - Misconceptions and Tips on How to Get Six Pack Abs

Less then 7% of Americans have six pack abs and in a recent survey 90% of women said they preferred the "lean and athletic" look to the "big and bulky" look. So why doesn't everyone have a great set of abs? One of the main reasons that people with abs are a rarity these days, is almost everyone goes about it the completely wrong way. Don't cheat yourself out of the results you COULD be getting, learn how to get abs the correct way.

Most common mistakes when trying to get visible Abs:

1. If you workout your abdominals everyday by doing 100 crunches you will not get abs.

The abdominal muscle group is just like any other muscle group, like your chest or legs, and should be worked accordingly. You wouldn't do 100 reps of bench in one sitting would you? Your abs however can be worked almost everyday just like your calves. It is important though to take days off to recover. Remember your muscles only grow when they are resting!

2. If you don't incorporating cardio into your workout routine you will not get visible six pack abs.

You keep working and working at getting your abs to show but all that seems to happen is your belly gets bigger. Does this sound familiar? The reason is not because you don't have abs, it's just that you have a layer of belly fat hiding your hard work. When incorporating a cardio routine along with weight training (including abs) you will burn fat much faster and will get your abs to show in the shortest time possible. Even by just adding a slow jog or walk every other day you will see dramatic results.

3. Even if you have a good workout routine and cardio routine but eat crap food all day, you will not get abs.

Like all workout routines, nutrition makes 80% of your results. This is even more relevant when you are trying to get abs. If you eat fast food, sodas, and Twinkies all day you will not lose fat, you will not gain muscle and you will not get abs. You have to put as much work into your diet as you do your ab exercises and cardio. By eating healthy 6 days out of the week you will burn through your belly fat, put on lean muscle, and get that visible six pack you always wanted at least 20 times faster then someone who doesn't have their diet in check. Remember that if you consume more calories then you burn you will not lose fat no matter what!

4. Fat burning pills are not magical and will not give you six pack abs effortlessly.

As great as it would be to take a fat loss pill, only do one ab workout a month, sit on the couch, and get the visible abs you always wanted, its not going to happen. Fat loss pills are just taking advantage of people desperately wanting to lose weight. Do not fall into this trap and end up wasting your money on worthless pills and drinks. Most of the time you are just getting a pill jammed with tons of caffeine and other ingredients that you probably don't want in your body.

These are just a few of the things you need to keep in mind when trying to get six pack abs. There are many more tips, techniques and pitfalls when it comes to getting visible abs but these tips will get you on the right track. Remember there is a big difference between building up your abs and having Visible abs. You might end up getting a very strong core and great abdominal strength but your abs will not be visible if you are carrying a lot of belly fat, and this isn't our goal.

I was in football in high school, power lifting in college and have been bodybuilding for about 4 years now and abs were never my number one concern. I figured it was time to make getting a nice set of visible abs a priority. I wanted to do it right the first time and I thought I had all the knowledge I needed to achieve my goals. After a month of hard work and dedication I thought all hope was lost because nothing seemed to be working. I then found a great resource on how to get abs [] the correct way. Honestly I kind of laughed at some of the techniques I was using and only a month later after learning some get tips and things not to do I could see my top 4 abs while completely relaxed.

Weather you are 18 or 81, male or female you CAN get those six pack abs [] you always wanted. Everyone just needs the right guide and a little effort and you can achieve anything. Enjoy life more with your new confidence and health.

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