Sunday, 31 July 2011

Get a Toned and Trimmed Body With Abdominal Exercises For Dashing Looks!

Fit and firm body is the dream of everyone who believes in looking fabulous. A well trimmed body gives an edge to your personality. In addition to looking not great physically, additional body weight is the cause of many health problems in the body. In most of the people, the area where accumulation of fats tends to be the most is abdominal. The excess fats in the belly area will result into a bulge in an abdominal area.

As time progresses towards metabolism slows down and subsequently the ability of the body to break food decreases. Abdominal exercises have become significant in the process of losing extra fats in the abdominal area. The deposition of fats in the abdominal area in the form of layers is more dangerous since the majority of vital organs are situated in the abdominal area. Fat accumulation in the abdominal area may result into adverse effect on heart.

The best abdominal exercises are those which produce the desired result - loss of fats in the abdominal area. To know about these exercises and get them into your daily routine exercises requires proper knowledge of various workouts. Here are few tips to select the best abdominal exercises. The first thing to be kept in mind is only exercising without paying any attention on the diet will not provide the best of the results.

Exercise may correct the metabolism but correct diet will complement your efforts for losing extra fats from abdominal area. The next thing that you should pay attention to be a variety in workouts. Only crunches will not get the best results. Also there should be resting period in between the workouts to produce desired results in getting rid of extra fats from the area near abdominal using abdominal exercises.

The frequency of such exercises should be 2 to 4 times in a week. Lastly, the type of exercises selected should be such that they put tension on muscles of the entire abdominal area instead of lower or upper abdominal area. The confidence level increases in a person with perfectly toned body and to achieve the perfect body is not a thing to worry. The abdominal exercises will make your dream come true with ease.

The reduction in fats in the abdominal region so as to reveal abs is the best way to make your life healthy as well as dashing. The most effective abdominal exercise is sitting on the floor with legs stretched in front keeping them straight. Use your hands by the side of hips so as to support the upper part of the body. Breathe normally as you raise the legs about 12 inches above the ground. This is to be done for about 30 repetitions. There are number of abdominal exercises to work for getting body without excessive fats. You have to work sincerely for anticipated results.

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Tuesday, 26 July 2011

The Truth About Abdominal Exercise Programs

With today's workout regimens focus on abs toning and strengthening, it really isn't a wonder why a number of abdominal exercise programs prevail.

Abdominal exercise programs are pretty much exercise programs which target the rectus abdominis, in common terms the "six pack" area, and the obliques, the waist area. They are among the most common of exercise programs, as well as among the most wrongly done, wasting time, energy and effort.

Here are some truths about abdominal exercise programs, which could save exercisers from "waste of time" mistakes when it comes to abdominal exercise programs.

Muscle is Muscle

The belief that abdominal muscles are different from the other muscle types in the body is wrong. The only difference abdominal muscles have over other body muscles would be their location in the body. There is no physiological difference between abdominal muscles from other muscles in the body, no difference with how it contracts, or how it strengthens with regular exercise.

Muscle is Muscle. Plain and simple.

Daily Abdominal Exercise Programs

One doesn't have to do abdominal exercise program routines on a daily basis. It is advised that they be done every other day, giving the abdominal muscles time to recover, just like any other muscle group in the body.

As most abdominal exercise programs aim to fatigue the ab muscles, recovery time is needed in their successful flow.

Abdominal Exercise Programs and Fat

Abdominal exercise programs aren't exactly geared to reduce the fat in one's abdomen area, as a combination of an overall workout regimen and a balanced diet successfully resolves this issue with exercisers. What abdominal exercise programs do is build more muscles, as well as helps raise an exerciser's metabolism rate, keeping an exercisers abs fit. Again abdominal exercise programs don't convert the fat over the abdomen area into all muscle. They don't melt the fat away.

The Power of Sit Ups

Requiring only the most basic of exercise equipment, proper sit ups are pretty much enough to make an abdominal exercise program effective on an overall scale. Sit ups don't necessarily have to be "full sit ups" as these sit ups basically strengthen muscles with are already strong, and are not the abdominal muscles.

Going on a variety of sit ups, targeting the rectus abdominis, has proven to be quite effective.

The most important reason why training one's rectus abdominis is essential is for back health. With this, it is quite important to incluce the exeternal obliques, internal obliques and the transverse abdominals when doing sit ups.

Bottom line, variety is the key, through the application of proper abdominal exercise program routines, in the making of six pack abs.

Milos Pesic is a professional fitness trainer who runs a highly popular and comprehensive Abdominal Training web site. For more articles and resources on abdominal exercises, abdominal workout tips, abdominal fitness equipment and much more visit his site at:

Friday, 22 July 2011

Do Not Embark Upon an Abdominal Workout Until You Read This

It is essential to understand the biology of the abdominal muscles before beginning a training programme or routine in order to prevent injury and so that you can better understand the way in which each exercise benefits you and which part it benefits. The abdominals, in relation to other body parts, are relatively simple. There are four main parts and each need to be worked and toned in order to achieve the flat and firm abdominals that you desire.

The abdominal muscles are located between the ribs and the pelvis on the front of the body. The four abdominal muscle groups combine to completely cover the internal organs.

The abdominal muscles are more important than many believe and they most importantly support the upper torso, allow movement of the upper body and hold organs in position by regulating internal abdominal pressure.

The four main abdominal muscles are:

Transversus abdominus - This is the deepest muscle layer. Its main roles are to stabilise the trunk and maintain internal abdominal pressure. It also compresses the abdomen.

Rectus abdominus - Slung between the ribs and the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. This muscle has the characteristic bumps or bulges, when contracting, that are commonly called 'the six pack'. The main function of the rectus abdominus is to move the body between the ribcage and the pelvis.

External oblique muscles - The external oblique is situated on the lateral and anterior parts of the abdomen. The external oblique muscles allow the trunk to twist, but to the opposite side of whichever external oblique is contracting. For example, the right external oblique contracts to turn the body to the left. It also functions to compress the abdominal cavity, which increases the intra-abdominal pressure.

Internal oblique muscles - The internal oblique muscle is the intermediate muscle of the abdomen, lying just underneath the external oblique and just above the transverse abdominal muscle. These flank the rectus abdominus, and are located just inside the hip-bones. They operate in the opposite way to the external oblique muscles. For example, twisting the trunk to the left requires the left hand side internal oblique and the right hand side external oblique to contract together.

The structure of the abdominals may seem incredibly boring, and perhaps they are, but it is essential to understand before embarking upon an abdominal training programme.

One final thing we must understand is the function of the abs. You may think the only benefit of firmer abs is that you will be presenting a more toned body image but more importantly however, firm abs have strong links to preventing back pain and back injury. The abdominal muscles are key components to providing strength and support to keep the body upright and for movement.

Now that you understand the biology of the abs, you can now begin your abdominal workouts and abdominal exercises so that you can lose the excess abdominal fat that has plagued you for years.

James Penn is an expert at planning fitness training programs and especially abdominal routines. You can learn exactly what he teaches for free including abdominal workouts and abdominal exercises to help you lose abdominal fat.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Get Rid Of Abdominal Fat - 3 Things To Consider To Getting Rid Of Abdominal Fat

Do you want to get rid of abdominal fat? Do you want it totally removed from your body leaving you a flat sexy stomach with no bulges at all? Do you want to wear low waist pants without worries that your abdominal fat hangs over your jeans? Do you want to take the next big step and know where you stand? Majority of the one reading this article will probably say YES. Of course, no one would want to look like getting inflated and bloated especially if having it is not intended, not a choice and never a want at all.

Sometimes, we engage into a certain lifestyle which we consciously know, yet we are not aware the real effect of it. Eating is one of our lifestyles. We know we love to eat yet we do not know where those foods go. Our vise such as alcohol drinking is a part of our lifestyle, we know we are drinking often yet we do not know that alcohol has high in calorie content. You see, this is the most common mistake people do, they keep on blaming their abdominal fat for not looking great, yet the truth of the matter is, they are the ones to be blamed on. When you have it, the only thing in mind is to get away with it. The most important aspect of losing that excess fat around your stomach is to understand what certain factors that creates it. By knowing what causes of your abdominal fat, you will be able to get rid of it eventually. When you want everything to be done, do not get depressed. There are a lot of things you can do to help yourself solve your problem, and remember, it is only a matter of how sincere can you do it.

Losing fat around your stomach has something do more on HOWs. If you are considering losing those fats, you are going to put in plenty of hard work. It is not just about certain viewpoints you see and hear over television commercials that abdominal fat can be removed by sitting and doing crunches. A combination of diet and exercise is the best way to get rid of abdominal fat. So you must be willing to put the efforts on, not just bits and pieces.

1. Diet

Regardless of what they say, exercise alone cannot help you losing abdominal fat and give you the best 6 pack abs. You have to focus on your diet program as well.

The first step for your healthy diet is to find negative calorie foods or commonly called as fat burning foods such as watermelon, apples, oat meals, lean cuts of meat, olive oil, carrots, etc. These foods burn more calories being consumed than they give to the body, in short, you lose weight as you eat them.
You must also think about your fat, carbohydrates and protein levels. To keep things simple and understandable, even you go on a diet, you still have to eat foods high protein, moderate carbohydrates and less fats level.
- Protein is your friend. Protein is a huge help in delivering energy and building muscle.
- Carbohydrates are definitely not the enemy. You need carbohydrates to boost up your energy. Just prevent or at least lessen your intake of whites, such as bread, white rice, pasta.
1) Low fat usually means low fat on your body too. Reduce high fat foods and the weight will drop off.
2) You have to change your diet. Having a poor diet will cause you to have excess abdominal fat. There are a few poor diet can go straight to your waist such as soda, candy, potato chips and fried foods. Before you start thinking about that six-pack abs, you must get rid of the fat first.

2. Exercise

Exercise is a vital component in losing abdominal fat.
The best work out is to start with cardio training. Start hitting the treadmill, stationary bike. You can do jogging and using the cross trainer because it will help exercise your 'core', meaning strengthening the abdominal muscles and dropping abdominal fat which you absolutely need.
You also need to get into weight lifting as well. Some lifts will work much better than others at losing abdominal weight, and if you focus on targeting your core, you will not definitely go wrong.
Designing only a cardio routine or crunches alone will not help you shed excess abdominal fat. In actual fact, your waist will appear bigger if you only do crunches. So to shed that excess abdominal fat, you must exercise at least three to five times a week at a pace that will make your heart pumping and the sweat flowing. That will be very effective.
Also, design an abdominal routine to tone those abs. Abdominal exercises will help to make your six pack dream a reality.
Design a weight training routine. Remember, cardio is not the only key to fitness. Lifting weights is just as important as any other exercise routine, especially losing weight. It helps increase metabolism, and metabolism means burning more fat throughout the day,

3. Take vitamins

On the course of doing ways to get rid of abdominal fat, a good multi-vitamin daily will help boost your metabolism and give you the energy needed to exercise. Remember, the more energy your body has, the more fat it will burn from your body, and that only means an excess abdominal fat will be a thing of the past.

Next, find out more about Get Rid Of Abdominal Fat at our weight loss site today.

Check out which weight loss program is suitable for you through our Compare Weight Loss Programs page here. Click on the above link to discover which programs can help you lose weight today.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Abdominal Core - Three Tiered Approach for a Tighter Tummy

The abdominals are probably one of the most targeted areas in the world of health and fitness marketing. Videotapes proclaiming they can shape your mid-section into the washboard appearance of fitness magazine models, exercise contraptions/gimmicks, as we refer to them, that target your wallet more than your torso, plus dozens of other programs and procedures which isolate abs and lead consumers into the myths and fallacies of abdominal fitness. Based off of the hits our website receives with "abdominal" as part of the search string, and all the misinformation surrounding 'ab training' we were prompted to focus this article on the healthy aspects of torso (core) fitness training.

In reality, most abdominal exercise consumers are seeking to lose body fat in the abdominal area. In order to accomplish this, many factors need to be put into place. Great-looking middle sections are developed from combining cardiovascular exercise several times per week to shed off the unwanted body fat, torso strengthening exercises (see 'Three Part Approach" below), and eating foods low in fat and total calories while paying attention to the portions sizes and amounts. After all, most weight gain occurs from eating too much and exercising too little.

In addition, it is not uncommon to see abdominal exercises performed on a daily basis. Usually a few sets of many repetitions are utilized to enhance the core's endurance, and assist the muscles with one of their main functions within the body. Torso muscles are used as stabilizers, which facilitate many other movements our bodies perform. Because of this, they require much endurance in order to support the spine, enhance lower back functioning, and accommodate our many activities. While this endurance is important, strengthening these muscles is equally important but often over looked.

Choose exercises that bring you to muscle fatigue within 10-15 repetitions 2-3 times per week. Treat the abdominal musculature just as any other major muscle group when you strength-train it. In order for them to appear more muscular, thicker, and six-pack like, abdominals need to be challenged with resistance exercises. At first, just body weight may be all an individual needs in order to challenge themselves, but eventually more weight or an advanced version of the exercise will be needed for further gains.

As with all exercises, be sure to select ones that are appropriate for your level and experiences. Trying to perform advanced movements too soon can not only increase your risk of injury, but also leave you feeling unsuccessful in your attempts to improve. Expensive gadgets and video programs are not always (even rarely) necessary to improve upon your abdominal fitness. Generally speaking, most individuals do just fine and are very challenged with variations of three basic movements as seen below in 'Three Part Approach'.


A complete abdominal training program should consist of exercises that work the three areas that make up the abdominal wall. The rectus abdominis is the long sheath of muscle that produces forward flexion of the spine, and has a washboard appearance in well-developed bodies. The external and internal obliques, which are two separate muscle groups, are responsible for flexion, rotation, and lateral (side) flexion of the spine. The deepest of the three areas is the transversus abdominis. Its job is to help expel air out of the lungs and keep the abdomen flat. Each area is essential to good abdominal integrity, stability and health.

The following three exercises are designed for use together in a complete abdominal workout. As the exercises become easy to do, be sure to add intensity by incorporating some variation with the advancing techniques. These exercises should be done 2-3 times per week on alternating days with a 2-3 set 10-15 repetition scheme for strength development, or more often (daily if needed) 1-2 sets of 20 or more repetitions for general endurance. Combine both set and repetition protocols together throughout the week if you really want a challenge!!

Abdominal Crunch/Reverse Curl

Focus-rectus abdominis

Lie on your back with knees bent and arms crossed over your chest. Simultaneously lift your head, neck, shoulders and shoulder blades off the floor in a slow controlled movement (2 counts). Pause for 2 counts and allow all remaining air out of lungs, then slowly lower to start position barely allowing the shoulders to touch the floor before you begin the next repetition. Exhale out as you lift, and inhale as you lower.

Lift feet from floor, knees at a 90 degree angle, contract abdominals into spine, and lift hips in 2 counts until buttocks and tail bone are off of floor (reverse curl), hold for two counts, and then slowly lower. Exhale as you lift, inhale as you lower.

Advancing Techniques

Perform both movements together, place fists at temples, or extend both arms straight from shoulders to add resistance to movement. Add weight plate across chest. Use a decline bench with head at decline and feet at incline or add a Resist-A-Ball (stability ball) for added core stabilization and balance challenge. Foam rollers and wobble discs may also be utilize to add variety.

Twisting Oblique Curl

Focus- obliques

Lie on your back with knees bent and right hand placed across left shoulder, and left arm outside of left thigh for support. Lift your head, neck, and shoulder then rotate at spine bringing right shoulder toward left knee. Keep your hips pressing in toward the floor, and abdominals pressing firmly toward the spine. As you begin to rotate keep traveling up in the movement to get the right shoulder blade off of the floor. Pause at the top of the movement, and slowly lower. Repeat the movement with the left shoulder moving toward the right knee. Exhale as you lift, and inhale as you lower.

Advancing Techniques

Place both hands behind head with thumbs resting behind ears, or extend one arm up from shoulder as you lift toward knee (right side lifting toward left, then right arm would extend). Lift feet from floor with knees at a 90 degree angle, allow knees to drop toward right 2 counts, hold 2 counts, then slowly draw knees back in toward midline. Use a decline bench and perform same movements, add a weight plate across chest, and/or utilize the stability ball or other inexpensive equipment for challenge and variety.

Abdominal Breathing

Focus- transversus abdominis

Lie on your back with knees bent and hand across your stomach. Take a full breath in and expand your belly with air. As you exhale feel the transversus muscle compress in toward your spine. Breath in 4 counts, but breath out 8 counts. Make the last 4 counts of the exhale a deep abdominal contraction. Finally, hold the transversus muscle in for a full 60 seconds and try to keep breathing normally.

Advancing Techniques

Sit up on your knees or with your legs crossed, spine fully extended and neutral. Allow your shoulder blades to pull toward your spine, the chest to open forward, and the chin to rest parallel to the floor. Using a quick, sharp breathing pattern (in yoga this is called 'breath of fire') inhale through the nose, and exhale quickly with a short powerful bursts through pursed lips and out of the mouth for 30-60 seconds. It will make a "shh, shh, shh" sound. Try to perform these breaths from the abdominal region, and let the air come in and out quickly, using forceful contractions from the transversus to exhale out the air.


If this exercise makes you dizzy or lightheaded, stop immediately and return to abdominal breathing.

Amy is the NW Regional Trainer for Resist-A-Ball, Inc. and Faculty Trainer for the American Council on Exercise. Her Bachelor of Science was attained in Holistic Nutrition and is certified as a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, and yoga instructor. She also offers workshops, lectures and trainings for fitness professionals through her own company FIT Launch as well as providing personal training services locally.

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Monday, 11 July 2011

Exercises With An Abdominal Exercise Ball

With today's fitness focus on the body's abdominal area, a number of exercises geared to strengthening one's abdomen area exist, mostly successfully working in conjunction with certain exercise equipment.

Most abdominal exercises aim for strengthening the rectus abdominus, popularly known as the "six pack" area, as well as the obliques. Exercises with an Abdominal Exercise Ball stand to be among the most popular, as an exercise ball is pretty much applicable to most exercise regimen geared for various part of the body, making it a general porpose exercise equipment.

Here are two of the most popular exercises with an abdominal exercise ball.

Abdominal Curl with Exercise Ball

Known as the "six pack exercise" this exercise type is aimed to tone the rectus abdominus, as well as the transverse abdominus and obliques, and is quite popular with abdominal exercise ball users.

Its first step is to position one's self to lie on the exercise ball, making sure that one's knees are at a 90 degree angle, with the rest of the body on a position parallel to the floor. From then on, the exerciser would have to slowly lift his/her shoulders upwards, without bending one's hips.

After this, the exerciser would go back to the starting position, completing the exercise. It is a relatively easy exercise, which produces ideal results.

Exercise Ball Abdominal Roll-ups

Aiming the body's rectus abdominus, obliques and the hip flexors, abdominal exercise ball roll-ups provide quite a workout experience, strengthening an exerciser's general abdomen area.

The exercise type is successfully done by first positioning the exercise ball in front of a kneeling exerciser, who then, after positioning the ball in front, lies on top of the ball. The exercise's second step comes with the exerciser reaching out, letting his/her hands touch the ground, rolling the ball towards his/her thighs. The exerciser then walks his/her hands until his/her shins touch the ball, making sure his abdominals are tightened as well as his/her shoulders are properly aligned with his/her hands.

From there, the exerciser pulls the ball forward using his/her legs, then bending his/her knees towards his/her chest, while the ball is rolled beneath the exerciser until the exerciser's knees touch his/her chest.

After this, the exerciser rolls back into the starting position, then repeating the steps, making a successful Exercise Ball Abdominal Roll-Up.

There are other exercises which utilize abdominal exercise balls. The Abdominal Curl with Exercise Ball and the Exercise Abdominal Ball Roll-ups are simply the most popularly known.

Milos Pesic is a professional fitness trainer who runs a highly popular and comprehensive Abdominal Training web site. For more articles and resources on abdominal exercises, abdominal workout tips, abdominal fitness equipment and much more visit his site at:

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Abdominal Muscles Exercise - Lesser Known Workout Hints For Abdominals

Ab Physical Exercise - User-friendly Exercise Hints For Abdominal Muscles.

Individuals nowadays are really over-busy. Bustling to the gym for an abdominal workout can take in a lot of time. Many of us don't experience time off from the computer. But you daydream of a different torso. You want a fashion model's physical structure. Along with astonishing six pack abdominal muscles. Do you desire that?

Fortunately there is an ab workout that may be finished along your active agenda. The following is a list of fabulous techniques for your abdominal muscle workout.

Ab Workout Crunches

Nearly all people already recognise how to do this. These abdominal physical exercise aim at the top abdomen. This is one of the best ab workout. Lie Down on a flat floor and turn up your hands under your head or along your thorax. Put your feet level on the ground.

Contract your abs and hoist your shoulders and head above the flooring. Support for 2 seconds then decompress. Practice them smoothly and ceaselessly without jerking your trunk. Centering on your tummy to bring up your uppermost trunk. Do not tense up your neck or shoulder muscles. This is the wrong pose and will cause strain and painful wrenches.

Abdominal Muscle Exercise Sidelong Sit up

These abdominal muscle exercises are similar to typical crunch but are directed at the abdominal external oblique muscle which are what we also name "love handles". The movement uses the corresponding technique only it's utilized to each side of your tummy. This abdominal muscle workout is for the sides of your trunk.

Ab Exercise Resting Leg Elevators

Aim at your lower stomach with this move. With this abdominal exercise, you lead off in the comparable place as with the sit up, flat along your vertebral column, but you arise. This aims at the muscular tissues of your lower stomach. Place your hands underneath your backside for leg lifts. This adds leverage and should aid you to lift your feet. For more of a abdominal muscle exercise challenge, you may tie padded weight units around your ankles. You may discover ankle weight units with variable straps at local athletics equipment stores. If you don't require to purchase exercising weights, you could fill used tubed stockings with clean, new kitty litter to create a 1 to 2 pound weight.

Tummy Workout V Sit up

Start with your chest at a forty five point slant to your legs, just comparable the resting leg hoist. Find a seat near the border of a work bench and position your hands behind you. Lean backwards along your hands. Bring your knees upwards toward your chest. You will end in a V pose. Your abdominals are settled at the base of the V.

Abdominal Muscle Exercise Cat Reach

This motion is analogous to mobilities a cat makes when it reaches its spinal column. This is a smooth and fast ab drill. Begin along your hands and knees and look straight ahead with your muscular tissues made relaxed. Tighten your abdominal muscle muscular tissues and roll your spinal column up as high as possible for you. Obtain the pose for a count of 5 before loosing your back.

Abdominal Exercise Cycle Sit-up

Set About this abdominal work out by lying on the floor. Lay your hands beside your head, support your spine along the flooring and bring up your knees skyward like you're peddling a bike. This ab physical exercise will target your lower abs.

Ab Workout Upright Side Twists

This abdominal workout will tighten up your oblique muscles and tone you in that area. Start Out from a standing up stance with your hands on your side. Support your tummy in and sustain your legs level. Slant your uppermost torso from left to right while holding the

I have seen a few crazy ab workouts in my lifetime. If you want to learn the correct ways to do an ab crunch for a flat stomach - save yourself time, money and headaches by visiting my blog for some fun advice. Also visit to discover the one thing that you must never do while exercising your abs!

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Lower Abdominal Muscle Exercises

The muscles in the lower abdominal region (below the navel) do not exist in isolation. The abdominal muscles consist of a series, called the upper, lower and oblique abdominals.

It's not possible to train the lower abdominal muscles and leave out the others, but it is possible to do exercises that emphasize this area. Let's try and understand the function of the abdominal muscles.

Contraction of the upper abdominal muscles tends to bring the ribs towards the pelvis. Imagine you are lying on your back for the abdominal crunch. When your shoulders are raised off the floor, the action is initiated by the upper abdominal muscles.

Contraction of the lower abdominal muscles tends to bring the pelvis towards the ribs. Imagine you are lying on your back for the traditional reverse abdominal crunch (one of the best lower abdominal exercises). When your legs and hips are raised off the floor, the action is initiated by the lower abdominal muscles.

The secret to a flat, toned and trim lower abdominal region lies in aerobic exercise and diet. In addition, you need to do specific exercises, which I am about to teach you.

How to stimulate change when your abs stop responding. As human beings, we are creatures of habit. We tend to do the same exercises over and over again, in the hope that we will see results at some point. This does not work, because the body becomes accustomed to the same type of stress and becomes 'energetically efficient'. This means that when you do the same exercise over a period of time, the body becomes so efficient at it that it burns fewer calories while doing it!

For example, if you use the treadmill 3 times a week, your body progressively burns less calories each time (as long as the speed, incline and duration remain the same). To get results, you need to adjust one of the 3 factors.

Also, following the same exercise regimen over and over not only gets boring, but can lead to exercise plateaus that can decrease your results.

Hence, if you normally exercise for 45 minutes four days a week on a treadmill with the same intensity and time for each workout, over time you will not benefit as much as you did when you began. Your body will become accustomed to the routine, and it can become increasingly difficult for you to meet your fitness goals. The repetitiveness also can be boring - even with music, TV or a magazine for distraction, the exercise might become mundane, which also can decrease the likelihood you'll continue working out.

Mix it up! Do you work out at a gym? Instead of 45 minutes on a treadmill each time, jump on a Lifecycle exercise bike for 30 minutes, then spend 15 minutes on a stairclimber. Swim one day and lift weights another.

What does this have to do with lower abdominals? Everything! Change is good, and stimulates fat loss, which in turn helps the lower abdominal muscles become more visible and defined. Treat your body as a complete unit rather than over emphasizing the waistline. Don't make the same mistake that everyone does - doing hundreds of repetitions of abdominal exercises in the hope of getting a flat abdominal region.

Lower abdominal muscle exercises. These exercises involve the lower body, specifically the gluteals (the muscles in the hip and buttock region burn a lot of calories, the gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the body) and the quadriceps and calves. Translation - you burn more calories and more body fat. Strength training for the back and shoulders also helps boost metabolism, which is critical to low body fat.

Plank - Lower Abdominal And Lower Back Muscles. Starting Position: Get on an exercise matt on all fours, with your elbows touching the matt directly underneath your shoulders. Extend your legs back as far as you can, and keep the toes on the floor. Movement: Raise the hips up and hold yourself in this 'plank position' with your back completely flat. This is an excellent exercise for the hips, thighs and abdominal muscles. Lower the hips slowly down to the mat. Repeat 15-20 repetitions. (Most individuals find it hard to complete 15-20 reps for this exercise and 8-10 might be a more suitable starting point).

Reverse Crunches - Lower Abdominal Muscles. Starting Position: Lie on your back with your hands at your sides. Raise your legs straight up in the air. Movement: Exhale as you bend your knees while curling your lower body towards your chest. Inhale as you slowly return your legs to the starting position. Remember to squeeze your abs, and repeat as required. Repeat 15-20 repetitions.

Lying Scissors - Lower Abdominal Muscles. Starting Position: Lie on your back on an exercise matt with your palms on the mat under your lower back and your legs outstretched. Movement: Exhale as you alternately raise your legs up in the air with a slight bend in them. Inhale as you lower your legs back down to the matt. Repeat for 8-10 repetitions.

These exercises will help you get results, as long as you are consistent with the program. Good luck on your way to a flat lower abdominal region!

Get a free, full colour exercise routine instantly by emailing For more information about these exercises, and to get free full color exercise routines, diet plans and grocery lists, visit Best Weight Loss Programs