Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Abdominal Exercises - The Truth

Abdominal exercises are one of the hottest, and yet, most controversial topics in the fitness and exercise industry. Hundreds of ab gadgets, gimmicks, and exercise machines have flooded the market for people looking for sexier and flatter abdominals... that sexy six-pack abs appearance that everyone seeks.

The problem is that most of the abdominal exercises that are recommended all over the internet, and in magazines, etc, are not necessarily the best method to get that six-pack abs appearance. First and foremost, the most important aspect for great looking six pack abdominals is losing the extra belly fat that is covering them up. To be honest, most people already have decent abdominals underneath, yet the six-pack abs are simply covered up by all of that extra flabby stomach fat.

Instead of focusing so much on abdominal exercises to make your stomach flatter and more like a six-pack, you will lose much more body fat by focusing the majority of your training time with special combinations of high intensity full-body, multi-joint exercises. The best exercises for losing that abdominal fat are the exercises that work the largest portions of the body at once.

Exercises that work the large muscle groups of the legs, upper and lower back, and chest give you the biggest metabolic bang for your buck in terms of abdominal fat loss. Combining these types of big multi-joint exercises in high intensity super-set, tri-set, or circuit fashion gives you the biggest fat-burning and metabolism boosting response from your workouts.

And that is one of the best kept secrets for flat sexy abdominals that are actually visible as a six-pack!

Now when it comes to abdominal-specific exercises, another mistake most people make is mindlessly pumping away with hundreds of crunches and other meaningless abs exercises that barely give your abdominals much resistance to work against. If you want to actually develop your abdominals to the best extent possible, don't waste your time with exercises that you can do more than 20 or 25 reps... that means you are definitely not doing an exercise that provides enough resistance to the abs. Exercises that give you enough resistance to get you down into the 6-15 rep range per set works great for the abs.

Generally, higher resistance abdominal exercises that provide a much larger stimulus to the abs come in the form of exercises that involve raising/curling the legs and pelvis either upward or inward closer to the trunk. A couple great examples of these higher resistance abdominal exercises are hanging leg raises or knee raises using a "pelvic curl up", or an exercise like lying hip thrusts. Many times, the same people that can do 50 or 100 crunches, can't even complete more than 2 or 3 properly executed hanging leg raises.

If you really want tighter flatter abdominals that look like a six-pack, remember that losing that extra belly fat is the MOST important factor. Also, when it comes to abdominal-specific exercises, always remember higher resistance exercises that involve curling/raising the legs and pelvis upward or inward are what develops the abs to the best extent possible.

To discover over 27 more abdominal fat loss and metabolism-boosting secrets, go to Abdominal Exercises & Stomach Fat-Loss Secrets to download a FREE report revealing the strategies of the super-lean.

Michael Geary (CPT) is an International Fitness Expert with clients in over 150 countries world-wide, contributing writer for Muscle & Fitness Hers Magazine, and author of the internationally-popular book, The Truth about 6-Pack Abs. Mike is also the owner of 4-Minute High-Intensity Workouts for Busy Men

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Abdominal Exercisers Can Be Stomached

Despite easy exercises like crunches and sit-ups, abs often resist your efforts or actually start to look worse as you build muscle, since the fat remains on your midsection but the growing abs push the fat outward. Part of the problem with abs is that diet and whole-body cardiovascular exercise are needed to get flat abs, but defined abs can require special equipment to work the muscle group properly. One of the most difficult muscle groups to work is the abdominal.

Even more effective, though, are foot restraints, either on the floor or on special abdominal exercise chairs, to keep leg muscles in place, forcing the abs to work. Abdominal exercisers come in several forms. The simplest and most common are floor mats and foot restraints. When performing crunches and sit-ups, to work the abs properly the legs must remain in place. Otherwise leg muscles, rather than abdominal muscles, do the work. Thus, comfortable floor mats with ridges to provide traction are a good first step, since they keep your legs and body in place.

The ab roller abdominal exerciser is another class of abdominal exercisers that are quite effective. These use either an inward or outward rocking or "rolling" motion to stretch and work the abs. These devices are very popular because they deliver results similar to crunches and sit-ups, but without the pain and stress. An ab roller abdominal exerciser is easy and fun to use, but provides a good workout at the same time.

A final class of abdominal exercisers to consider are automatic ones. These devices, usually battery powered, can be worn all day and give your abs a constant, gentle workout that over many hours produces results. They provide the benefit of allowing even the busiest people to exercise their abs, but the results are often not as dramatic as with other ab exercises, thus they can only really be recommended to those who truly do not have the time to exercise.

As soon as you decide the way to exercise your abs a question may come to your mind that where to buy an abdominal exerciser. You can have them from any online retailer , but if you purchase it from a local shop it will be better as you can try it before buying. Anyway, if you have used an abdominal exerciser before and you want to buy it then it's better to buy it online.

Have well defined abs can make the difference between looking flabby and looking cut. But abdominal exercisers must be chosen carefully to get one that will best suit your needs. And once you chose one, purchase it from a reliable location to ensure the best ab workout possible. Working the abdominal muscles is important to any exercise routine.

Exercises like crunches/sit-ups do not reduce abdominal fat. To get flat abs diet/ cardiovascular exercise are needed. Defined abs requires special equipment. Most common abdominal exercisers are floor mat/foot restraints. Mats should be comfortable and have ridges for traction. Another is ab roller abdominal exerciser, which are popular/ pain-free/effective. Automatic exercisers are battery powered and can be worn for the whole day giving long gentle workout for the abdomen. These are less efficient and only persons who are short of time should use it. Where to buy an abdominal exerciser can be found by checking with online retailers/local shop. Care to be taken that you purchase from a reliable vendor.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Abdominal Muscle Exercises

As a personal trainer, I get asked this question at least once a day, "Which the best exercises to get firm, flat and toned abdominals?" It's not an easy question to address, since there are hundreds of abdominal exercises.

Let's face it. Our eyes gravitate towards a flat and well toned abdominal region. We all want that elusive flat, firm and enviable look of 'washboard abs'. The muscles of your abdominal region, and indeed the midsection aren't isolated; they weave through your torso like a web of high-tensile steel, and it's critical to train them the right way.

So how do you get results fast? A recent study by the American Council on Exercise has the answer. Let's discover the 3 most effective exercises to get flat abdominals, the correct way to breathe during abdominal exercises and tips and tricks to get results faster. I have integrated these exercises to help thousands of clients get results. You can view my clients in action with exercise videos and download full color abdominal exercise routines, diet plans and ebooks by registering on my websites mentioned at the end of this article.

A California study conducted by the American Council on Exercise has determined that the classic sit-up is not the best answer for stronger, flatter abdominals. The conclusions were intriguing, to say the least. The traditional sit-up was among the least effective abdominal muscle exercises.

Sit-ups (in which you raise your trunk up from the floor with your knees straight or bent) involve the hip muscles disproportionately relative to the abdominals. This means the hip muscles work more and the abdominal muscles work less i.e they are not getting trained in the right manner. In addition, there is an unnecessary (and potentially harmful) strain on the lower back. The sit-up is not only ineffective, but potentially harmful.

There's more, and it's equally surprising. The study indicated that several gadgets for the abdominals were either ineffective or marginally more effective than a regular abdominal crunch, which doesn't cost you anything, other than the time required to learn the right technique.

Now for the big news. The top three abdominal muscle exercises were:

The Bicycle maneuver. The Captains Chair. Crunch on an exercise ball.

For best results.

Start with 2-3 sets of each exercise, 8-10 repetitions. Increase by 8-10 repetitions each week till you work your way up to a set of 40 repetitions in each set. 2 sets of 35-40 repetitions a day for the abdominals is ideal, and you do not need to train more than that.

Breathing during abdominal muscle exercises.

With all abdominal muscle exercises, exhale as you contract / exert / come up / crunch your abdominals; inhale as you relax / lower / return to the starting position.

Points to remember.

1. If you have lower back injuries or pain, consult a doctor before you begin, so you don't hurt yourself. Also see a physician if you are over 35, have been sedentary for a long time, have high blood pressure and/or cholesterol, are a smoker, have chest pains or shortness of breath or have had a joint or muscle injury.

2. It's not the number of repetitions, but the quality and technique that gets results. Overdoing sit-ups can hurt your lower back. Besides, the best way to get those flat lower abdominal muscles is to be patient for 8-10 weeks, eat a healthy diet and do regular aerobic exercise.

For more information about these exercises, and to get free full color exercise routines, diet plans and grocery lists, visit Best Weight Loss Programs and Toning For Women. You can train with Nitin at the Phone Fitness Trainer website

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Enter The Age Of Abdominal Exercise Machines

Abdominal exercises are pretty much an essential part of every fitness program. Focusing on the abdomen area, abdominal exercises, coupled with a low carbohydrate, high protein diet, pave the way for "six pack" abs to develop.

With the focus given on abdominal exercises, it really isn't a wonder that a number of abdominal exercise machines exist to support abdominal exercises. They aren't exactly machines which do the exercising for an exerciser, but simply assist exercisers in the successful practice of abdominal exercises. From basic warm up to ab crunches, abdominal exercise machines are an amazing exercise equipment, helping exercisers execute workouts in perfect form, lessening the risk of workout related injuries, as well as muscle strain scenarios.

Here are two popular abdominal exercise machines available on the market.

Yukon Ab Crunch Machine

Those aiming for powerful abdominal muscles have seen the Yukon Ab Crunch Machine to be the abdominal exercise machine of abdominal exercise machines. With quality worksmanship and easy to use, what more could exercisers want?

The Yukon Ab Crunch Machine features foam handles for comfortable holds, as well as a padded back support. Its seat is fully adjustable, ideal for multiple users, as well as changes with one's ab crunching regimen. The exercise machine primarily isolates abdominal muscles to be worked out, leaving exercisers with no other choice but to focus on their abs while they are using the abdominal exercise machine. Weights, up to 200 lbs, can be added for those who find basic ab crunches too non-challenging.

It is simply the ultimate exercise equipment for building up tight abs.

Verdant Gifts' Smart Abs - Abdominal Exercise Machine

Makers of quality outdoor and sports equipment, Verdant Gifts' Smart Abs, Abdominal Exercise Machine is the smart way of getting trim strong "six pack" abs at home. The item is designed to give an exerciser's abs the workout needed in strengthening the abdominal muscles, as well as the back muscles.

The Smart Abs Abdominal Exercise Machine is designed with an auto-glide system, which aids exercisers by providing a constant workout in one easy motion. The purchase of the abdominal exercise machine comes with an instructional video, for users to learn how to ideally use the exercise machine. Smart Abs Abdominal Exercise Machine bring sit ups to a higher level, focusing on the essential abdominal muscles as its workout target area.

It is an amazing exercise equipment, which has paved the way for "washboard abs" to beautifully form.

Milos Pesic is a professional fitness trainer who runs a highly popular and comprehensive Abdominal Training web site. For more articles and resources on abdominal exercises, abdominal workout tips, abdominal fitness equipment and much more visit his site at:

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Abdominal Flattening Exercises & Your Body Core

Abdominal flattening exercises must be able to improve your core as well as the visual effect you want for your abdominal muscles.

Unfortunately most people are so concerned about getting a smaller waist line that they neglect the better abdominal flattening exercises that also improve their body core.

You need a strong body core in order to do almost every daily task. Your core is used to help you get out of bed, lift children, to perform your job (even if your job consists of sitting in a chair all day) and to take you places.

Before discussing abdominal flattening exercises any further, lets take a look at just what your body core is.

Most people are confused when it comes to knowing exactly what their body core consists of. Some think it's just their abdominal muscles, others think it's their back, while others just don't know.

Let's explain it here.

Your body core is made up of the middle section of your entire body. It starts at your shoulders and goes all the way to your groin - in both the front and the back.

Therefore your core will include your pelvis, abdominal muscles (including the obliques), your upper, middle and lower back and the muscles that make up your chest.

It is this core that offers stability, balance and flexibility. That's why when you are performing abdominal flattening exercises you must make sure that they are good abdominal exercises that also develop your core.

Just because an abdominal exercise or piece of infomercial abdominal equipment is said to be good for your abs it may not be if it doesn't help your body core become stronger.

Every time you move your core comes in to play. Even when performing simple tasks, such as rolling over in bed at night, combing your hair or competing in some type of athletic event. If your body core is not properly conditioned through good abdominal flattening exercises in addition to exercises that work the rest of your core, it will limit your physical abilities.

You cannot focus on one aspect of your core such as your abdominal muscles and not pay the same attention to the rest of your core. If you do you will at the very least end up with a muscle imbalance, which can lead to injury.

Effectively exercising your body core muscles will improve the effectiveness of movements in your limbs. When you create a secure, strong base for all of your muscles you can optimize your results for each one.

As you know, you need to provide your body with proper nutrition, good clean water and exercise.

Your limbs provide the ability to move, lift objects, etc. it's your body core that provides the basis of each. If you are inactive, in addition to being in poor health, your muscles will weaken and can easily become injured.

Even if you workout or participate in sports, use the best abdominal flattening exercises available, you may not be working the body core muscles you need to.

In addition to effective abdominal flattening exercises what can you do to strengthen and develop your core?

Well there are a number of ways. There are many basic exercise routines and pieces of exercise equipment you can find that are very effective at developing the muscles in your core.

Personal trainers can create a customized exercise routine in order to properly develop your core depending on your goals, abilities, etc.

The exercises you can use to develop your body core do so by creating resistance or instability so that your core muscles respond to in such a way as to maintain proper balance.

Body core exercises, such as good abdominal flattening exercises need to be gentle on your joints but intense enough as to promote a positive change in the muscle structure.

One of the most important things to remember is that you must use proper form at all times on all exercises including abdominal flattening exercises.

All body core exercises, including abdominal flattening exercises are functional exercises. This means that while exercising, your body moves in the same way it moves during activities in your everyday life.

The 3 most popular forms of exercise that develop core body strength are Plyometrics, Pilates and the Exercise ball.

Pilates involves using your own bodyweight as resistance. It also incorporates proper breathing and helps to isolate certain muscle groups.

The exercise ball can be used with most resistance type exercises and abdominal flattening exercises in order to properly develop your core and improve balance.

Plyometrics are also extremely good at working your core but this is a far too in-depth subject to include here.

Make no mistake about it, improved core strength and development is important at every age and fitness level. Whatever your goals, find a way to incorporate good abdominal flattening exercises that incorporate body core conditioning.

This will help in the long-run to reduce muscle strains and pain, & improve your over-all strength and mobility. All leading to a more active and healthy life.

Patrick Mckeeman has very quick, easy & effective health & fitness solutions for you. For extensive information on abdominal flattening exercises & how to get 6 pack abs please go to:

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Shaping Up With Abdominal Boards

These days, with society's focus given to shaping up, abdomen aimed exercises are common in most exercise regimens, aside from other exercises. Along with this focus come the various abdomen geared exercise equipment, which aid exercisers in shaping up, as well as keeping safe, avoiding injuries and other unwanted exercise related accidents and body pains.

Abdominal boards successfully qualify as abdomen geared exercise equipment which aid exercisers in strengthening their abs, as well as protecting them from straining their bodies from overworking their bodies.

An abdominal board is pretty much a bench with an adjustable incline system. Picture doing sit-ups on an exercise bench and you would get a general idea of how an abdominal board successfully operates. With ideally designed foot holders, abdominal boards satisfy an exerciser's needs when sit ups are concerned.

There are a number of abdominal boards produced by various exercise equipment brands all over the world. These abdominal boards may differ from one to another, but the basic features they each respectively have are somewhat common to all brands.

Here are some of the most popular abdominal boards out in the market.

The Maxicam Abdominal Board

Maxicam's Abdominal Board features rear wheels for seamless mobility. The exercise equipment's body contact surfaces, as well as foot-roller holders are fully padded, assuring full comfort for exercisers. Maxicam's Abdominal board is designed with bent-knee features, which actually help reduce back strains during exercise periods. It maximizes ab workout. Exercisers could add a sit up ladder incline to further maximize ab workout excursions.

As an abdominal board, Maxicam Abdominal Boards are quite a good deal, as it compliments other exercises, as well as fully satisfies what ab aimed exercisers want from an abdominal board.

The HealthMegaMall Abdominal Board

Geared to provide support to an exerciser's exercising experience, HealthMegaMall Abdominal Boards can be used on a stall bar or with an optional sit up ladder. The exercise equipment comes with wheels installed making it easy to move around. The item also features removable knee flex cushions, which are adjustable, depending on the exerciser.

With a black vinyl cover, HealthMegaMall Abdominal boards rank as "Best Buys" when it comes to abdominal boards.

TDS Fitness Equipment - Abdominal Board

Stripped down to the basics of abdominal boards, TDS Fitness Equipment's abdominal boards may not appear to stand as the best of abdominal boards, but they actually are impressive exercise equipment. Made with three inch thick upholstery, TDS Fitness Equipment's abdominal boards are easy to fold and store and have five incline adjustments.

They are fully functional as abdominal boards, as how abdominal boards should be.

All in all, the three above mentioned abdominal boards stand to be among the best of their breed of exercise equipment. There are more other brands out there, but these three truly stand out, as they are indeed what abdominal boards should be, to their most basic degree.

Milos Pesic is a professional fitness trainer who runs a highly popular and comprehensive Abdominal Training web site. For more articles and resources on abdominal exercises, abdominal workout tips, abdominal fitness equipment and much more visit his site at: