Friday 25 March 2011

Hip Hop Abs - The Secret To Flat Abs

Everyone wants flat abs. In search of that elusive six-pack, many look for that perfect abs workout. There are machines that contract your abs for you. There are machines that allow you to sit and twist your waist away. There are machines designed specifically for performing crunches. The problem with focusing on the abs is that spot training doesn't work unless coupled with to cardio to melt the fat away from the lean muscle. Workouts that focus on the burning fat as well as defining the abdominals are the best abs workouts. There are several Beachbody cardio-focused workout programs that emphasize toning the abs.

Hip Hop Abs uses the Tilt Tuck & Tighten technique, developed by Hip Hop Abs instructor Shaun T, to chisel the abs while incorporating dance moves into the routine. The Tilt Tuck & Tighten involves tilting the shoulders forward, tucking the tail bone, and tightening the abs. It may take some practice to get the technique down while simultaneously trying to follow Shaun T's choreography. Still, it's hard to beat dance as a fun abs workout. Even though the workout may not seem so intense while you're doing it, your abs will tell you otherwise the next morning. All of Hip Hop Ab's workouts work on tightening the abs, but Shaun T has a few workouts that specifically target the abs.

Hip Hop Abs abdominal workouts that target the abs include Ab Sculpt 1, Ab Sculpt 2, and Last Minute Abs. These abs workouts focus specifically on toning the abdominal muscles and the oblique muscles. Even though they are all abs workouts, these routines also raise the heart rate. So while you are toning those abs, you are also burning the fat that's hiding all that muscle. Beachbody offers another workout that focuses on toning the abs and burning fat.

Turbo Jam uses a move called the Turbo Tuck to isolate the abs in its workouts. The Turbo Tuck entails tucking the tail bone under with the effect of a standing crunch. The Turbo Tuck is used to engage the abdominal muscles throughout Turbo Jam's cardiovascular workout. For this reason, the Turbo Tuck is an important part of many of the Elite 11 moves designed by instructor Chalene Johnson to be used in Turbo Jam. Don't be alarmed if you wake up the morning after a Turbo Jam workout with tenderness in your sides or lower back. It's not kidney failure. Instead, it's a sign that Turbo Jam is working those muscles that are traditionally weak. When Chalene says that you're going to work muscles that you never even knew you had, she wasn't lying. Chalene has several workouts that specifically target the abs.

Ab Jam is the one Turbo Jam workout that focuses entirely on the abs. This abs workout is divided into two segments. The first segment uses standing ab work to shape the abs. The second segment is a floor workout that is so intense it is difficult to get through on the first try. Some of the sculpting workouts from Turbo Jam also have separate abs workouts. Turbo Sculpt, Booty Sculpt +Abs, and Total Body Blast fall into this category.

There is no real secret to flat abs. Diet and hard work will get you there if you are diligent. Fun workout programs that include abs workout such as Turbo Jam and Hip Hop Abs will help you to stick with an exercise program and finally get those flat abs you've been dreaming of.

Finding the perfect workout routine takes time and effort. The Hip Hop Abs workout is a great place to start if a person is interested in flat abs. The P90X workout routine is also another workout that will help develop flat abs.

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