Saturday 26 March 2011

Hip Hop Abs Reviewed - Is The Hip Hop Abs Program For You?

Lets quickly take a look at what Hip Hop Abs is:

The Hip Hop Abs Program is an abdominal toning system, which features an instructor by the name of "Shaun T." Hip Hop Abs is focused around dance moves which target your mid section. Apparently the secret to Hip Hop Abs is the revolutionary "absolute engagement(TM)" technique. This allows you to tilt, tuck, and tighten your way to a six-pack abs without having to do a single sit-up or crunch. This is great, but doing dance moves to target your mid section won't help you in the long run if your goal is too see your abs and lose some weight along the way. The focuses for any program relies on nutrition and the right times you do cardio.

I have been reviewing many products for my clients. I must say the product can work but requires some good effort. If you haven't worked out before no matter what program you try, it will help some what. The fact is that all the exercise in the world isn't going to get you into the best shape of your life, nor will it get you a six pack. That's where many people go wrong; you need to incorporate good eating habits with any program. The fact is that the program does come with some nutritional help but I feel it isn't enough to really give you an understanding how important it really is. I have had another client ask me about another program called the truth about six pack abs. I had a chance to look at it and I have been very pleased with it.

The program covers many exercise that target the mid section, and it illustrates them with easy to follow pictures. Most of the workouts can be performed at home just like Hip Hop Abs but the advantage "the truth about six pack abs" program has is the element of nutrition and cardio timing. Being a nutritional expert and personal trainer I found the nutritional aspect very informative. You won't find low carb diets you read in most nutritional books. The meal plans are very balanced and they are much geared towards your health. So not only will you look great you will feel great too.

This is something people never recognize. They think health is how good you look on the outside but it's actually how healthy you look on the inside. I always stress the fact that nutrition is 90% of any fitness and weight loss program. And the fitness program is usually 10% of your efforts. So now that we established this, how well do you think you can do on your weight loss journey if you have all the right nutritional info? A heck of a lot better than you probably did in the past. Why do you think we fail when we try to get into shape? Well for most people it's a lack of knowledge in the area of fitness and health and that's why people come see me.

Cardio is important too and Hip hop abs does count as some form of cardio, but the right type of cardio and when you do it is what's going to burn the fat off. Many people do cardio and in most cases they have been doing it all wrong. Haven't you noticed the same people doing cardio at the gym have been the same weight for who knows how many years? Obviously it's not working for them! Well In: the truth about six pack abs" program it teaches you what type of cardio to implement and of course what forms of cardio work. It illustrates what cardio you need to do and the most important part is when, which is the most important part of your weight loss success.

Doing 100's of crunches or tummy tucks, tilts, is not going to help you lose weight. Yeah you might see your abs, but faintly. You won't see your abs if it's surrounded by fat, which is what you need to lose before you can actually see them. If you want to see your abs you really need to know when to implement your cardio and you need to know how and what to eat. That is the sole reason why so many other plans fail and why people end up so frustrated with themselves and their attempts. I'll be the first to congratulate you for your efforts but some programs simply don't work. Not only that they don't give the right instructions for weight loss. What we need is the right knowledge on weight loss, not more misleading fitness programs.

So who will benefit from the truth about six pack abs? Well it's been designed for anyone who wants to lose weight and flatten their tummy. The program is created to accommodate both male and female, which means there are two different programs available. Many of my clients are following the program and have had great results with it. Hey I'm not saying Hip Hop Abs isn't going to work, but it definitely wont if you don't know what to eat, or when you should be doing your cardio.

Here's my Review;

The truth about abs program and its bonuses is well worth the price of $39.95, and is much cheaper than Hip Hop Abs which retails for 4 payments of 19.95 plus shipping 12.95. So you are looking at over $90, plus you need to wait until the program arrives in the mail, about 2 weeks or so. And let's face it how long can our motivation last for until the program decides to show up at the door.

The truth about six pack abs can be downloaded immediately from the vendor's website. What this means to you is that you can apply the program almost immediately. If you upgraded to the deluxe version you get the popular Eating Right Made Simple e-book for half price. This nutrition guide is the ideal companion to "the truth about six pack abs" program, and is the real secret to the program.

"The truth about six pack abs" is not like most books. It is 117 pages of rock solid material that if followed will definitely provide a means to your Six-Pack dreams and weight loss dreams.You need to make the commitment to read the material, and of course take action. And there's no need to perform workouts daily, 2-3 times a week for 30-45 minutes will show very good results. Just decide you want to change and do what is required by the program and you will surely see results.

The program comes with an 8 week money-back-guarantee. If you are not happy you can get a refund without any questions asked. So it's risk-free to give it a try. I have not yet met anyone who has returned the program. If you are serious about getting in the best shape of your life, like all of my clients have I recommend this program. This program will save you time, money and best of all frustration. I personally guarantee this program works; it's worked for many of my clients and they are very excited about their new transformation. You will be too when you follow the truth about six pack abs program.

5 Facts You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat & Get Six Pack Abs

Dean Boukaras is a person who has dedicated his life to educating and helping as many individuals as possible reach their absolute physical best. I truly want to impact one person at a time by spreading the health and fitness truth through

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