Friday 25 March 2011

Abs Rocket Or Abs Knowledge - Which Should You Choose?

If you spend anytime at all watching TV you must have seen some abs related infomercial or another. Indeed, abs machines and gadgets are a hot product and the marketing around them is creative and impressive. One of the more prominent of these machines is the abs rocket which is a device for working your abs.

I have not tried the AbsRocket myself so this article just uses this specific machine as an example of a more general question: which way should you choose to lose belly fat and get sexy abs: a machine like the abs rocket or Abs Knowledge?

What is abs knowledge you may wonder?

What I mean by that is that you can either choose a machine and hope that it will lead you to your goal, or you can take some time to educate yourself on what it really takes to get flat abs. Abs knowledge can be acquired through getting and reading an abs program.

Why do I think that abs knowledge is superior to a gadget like the Abs Rocket? There are a few reasons:

Abs machines don't teach you anything about nutrition which is the most crucial thing you need to do in order to lose belly fat and tone those abs. An abs program will teach you how to maintain a healthy diet which will lead to long term results.
Abs machines break down while knowledge remains forever.
Abs machines tend to be limited to a narrow range of exercises and resistance levels while an abs plan will teach you how to do diverse exercises which do not require any limiting equipment and can be made as hard as you like.
Abs gadgets usually can't provide the same stimulus as body weight exercises and weight training which is something that any abs program will teach you how to do.
Abs programs usually cost much less than any abs machine.

Overall, I believe that you don't need anything but the right kind of knowledge to get excellent results and have the kind of stomach you've always wanted. Invest in a good abs training program. It's the best way to get results.

To read more on how to get great abs, visit this webpage:
The Best Abs Program.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. Today he runs a weight loss forum, publishes a diet and fitness newsletter and writes extensively on health issues. To read more about the abs rocket, click here: AbsRocket Reviews.

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